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Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements or study periods abroad) for students currently enrolled in vocational education and training (VET).

These opportunities are also open to company-based apprentices and to recent graduates.

You will be hosted either in a workplace or in another VET institution with periods of work-based learning as part of your studies.

For traineeships lasting over 19 days, access to Online Linguistic Support will help you learn the language used at your workplace or in your studies.


Traineeships may last between 2 weeks and 12 months.


Before you start as a trainee, you, your institution or organisation and the receiving organisation make a Learning Agreement and sign a Quality Commitment. This document sets out your learning goals, rights and responsibilities and how your traineeship will be formally recognised.

Your organisation or institution and the receving organisation must be established in Erasmus+ Programme countries.

To receive Erasmus+ support as recent graduate, your traineeship must occur within 1 year of graduation.

Financial Support

EU grants are designed to cover your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad.

Though EU-funded, grants are managed by the sending organisation in question and they are responsible for making payments to individuals.

You may be able to receive money to help you learn the local working language.

How to apply

You cannot apply directly for a grant as an individual. Applications must be made by organisations who in turn select candidates for traineeships abroad.

Contact Us  to find out if these opportunities are available to you.

Find out more

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide also offers detailed information on these opportunities:

Consult Section B for award criteria, eligibility criteria, and funding rules


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